February 12, 2024

Regional Library Mural

Harrisonburg, Virginia

Massanutten Regional Library invites you to enter a castle! Oh, wait! It’s the children’s section. 

Monday Murals

Looks like Jack is climbing the beanstalk!

I must say this is fancier than any of the libraries I went to when I was a child. I still loved them though.


  1. The kid in the slide mural is fun

  2. Sweet murals at the library. I agree that libraries are so much nicer and inviting now than what they were in our times. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Libraries have moved far behind their original purpose, but thank goodness they are still present in our communities. The local library was a significant part of my childhood and I loved being there.

  4. Pretty library and I like the cute mural.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. It looks like a great place for the kids and if we visited it, it would be one of those places I'd wish I had a great-grandchild with me! I also loved libraries as a kid, even if they were just shelves of books, they were magical places.

  6. Always like the sound of that word, Massanutten. :-)

  7. Love the children's section of library!

  8. What a delightful library and climbing Jack is adorable!

  9. I like to visit libraries - you always find something different. That's a wonderful place for a child to fall in love with books. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  10. Children’s libraries now display so many imaginative features, but I appreciate the way that the decor invites you to learn about specific books and their characters. Nice murals!
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com


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