February 16, 2024

Bare Trees, Misty Afternoon

One thing about having a dog is that I go for walks even on days when the weather is not great.

Black and White

Blogging note: Something has changed on the Blogspot interface again. I hope it’s temporary. I’m not able to edit code tonight in HTML. This probably wouldn’t matter to most people, but I used to code so many webpages that I can probably do it in my sleep.

The interface is pretty good and lets me do basic things quite well. But sometimes I want to make a change that’s easier in HTML. Also, I often blog on my iPad, and it has limitations. It helps to hit the save button regularly.


  1. ...I love trees and their beauty in winter.

  2. I force myself out sometimes as I don't have a dog!

  3. I think it is great you get out there everyday

  4. The winter scene is pretty. Have a great weekend.

  5. I don't do HTML, but can understand how blogger changes are frustrating!

  6. Oo, nice! Nothing like that at all here on the Middle Peninsula. :-)

  7. Sometimes I really miss having pets -- and at this stage of my life a dog would be good for me because it gets easier and easier to use any kind of excuse for not getting out and walking. And I need the exercise. (But we move around too much ... you can't have everything.) I'm awed that you are an expert at HTML. Sometimes I switch to it to try to find a format error and oh dear it's easier to just start over. I know what you mean though -- I hate any changes that my provider makes.

  8. Something about bare trees and B&W go together so well!

  9. Well suited to black and white.

    My most recent issue with Blogger is some pages, including my own, being intermittent in allowing to leave comments.

  10. I don't know too much about codes but it sounds pretty frustrating. Your snowy photo is very pretty!


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