January 4, 2024

First Light

One thing about having Charlie is that I've been getting up at dawn or a little before that because he's awake and wants to go out. At least I get to see the sunrise!

He isn’t even embarrassed about inconveniencing me, although it’s often very cold at that early hour.


  1. Not so long ago I used to get up and go run in the dark and get sometimes decent photos of the sunrise. Now I am retired so I sleep in. Early morning sunrises are the best as yours show.

  2. The light from the sky in the first pic and Charlie's eye in the 2nd pic are both great

  3. Charlie's requests bring you beautiful sunrises to photograph. Happy New Year!

  4. Gorgeous sunrise and Charlie is adorable.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  5. ...it's worth getting out of bed for.

  6. A beautiful sunrise. Pat Charlie where he likes it for me.

  7. He is so cute! It would be hard to be mad at that face for waking up early.

  8. Charlie is just wanting you to get up early so you don't miss anything.
    And today is the first day in a long time that I haven't had to switch to Chrome to see your post and make a comment!! The internet, browsers, and protection software just baffle me.

  9. The sunrise picture is stunning.

  10. Hello Linda :=)
    Two beautiful photos. Charlie has the most adorable face and appealing eyes. Thank you to you both for making these captures possible.:=)

  11. My dog will happily sleep until I get up, no matter the time! Then, after he goes out, he gets on the sofa and take a nap! Sunrises are worth getting up for. Although it is harder to do in winter.


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