January 13, 2024

Charlie’s Complaint

I heard that my mom complained about me getting her up early. I am the one who should be complaining. She needs to take naps during the day like I do so that she can get up before the sun comes up. 

There are noises that wake me up, like birds singing and a truck rumbling. At first I move around quietly, but I want to go outside, so I make little sounds. If mom doesn’t get up, I scratch her door and ring the little bell that’s on the back door. Sometimes she says, “Wait until the sun comes up,“ but it’s time to go out. The birds told me.

 Finally, we go out. I’ll tell you about our day today. It started with a morning walk.

The sidewalks were wet. We didn’t meet anybody. 

There were some birds in the trees. Sometimes I see birds on the grass, but they don’t stay to play with me.

There was a really big bird high up in a tall tree. We walked closer, and mom told it to fly away because she thought it was scaring the birds that come to our feeders. It stayed there a long time though. 

I took a long nap after our walk. I didn’t like the new dog food so I didn’t eat it. 

Mom says I have fans, so thank you for being a fan!

It got really windy outside. I could hear the wind whistling at the door. When we went out to the mailbox, it was windy and cold.

Finally, we rode to the dog park. My friends Taffy and Jubal were there with their dad. We got to run around. Taffy likes to run fast like I do.


We didn’t stay too long because it was so windy and my friends went home. Mom drives carefully when I am in the car so she pulled into a parking lot to let a truck go by. She took a picture with her phone. She does that a lot.

Here is one more thing that I saw. Then I took a nap.


  1. The running dogs make my heart fly

  2. Loved your morning stroll. Beautiful shots!

  3. I think you have the right idea, Charlie. Getting up early is best.

  4. Hi charlie! You are the cutest. How old are you?

  5. Hi Charlie, I am one of your fans. Love the pretty sunrise, a lovely reason to be up early. Looks like a fun time at the dog park, you and your dogs friends look so cute, happy running free. Love the cow and I hope your feeder birds stay safe. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  6. I took am a Charlie fan. Love that picture of him running, he looks so happy!

  7. We are happy to be your fans, Charlie. And We think your Mom takes such purrty pictures.

  8. ...this morning our sidewalk is white.

  9. well, it looks like every1 is having a blast this beginning of 2024 ... i can't get over it ... no blinking the times is flying by. we got chairs, we thought would be comfortable and thankful we can return them with no issues. happy about that ...now searching for some others. have a great week. fun times. ( ;

  10. Count me among your fans, Charlie! Your mum does a great job of taking photos of you and the beautiful scenery around you. You do look like you're flying in one of those shots!

  11. Hello Charlie :=)
    I'm also an early riser and take pictures of the sky. How clever of you to ring the little bell on the back door to try to encourage Mom to take you outside.You look very handsome in your photos, and the one of you running is such fun, your ears flying in the wind and you were leaping off the ground enjoying the race. As you can probably tell, I'm a great fan of yours Charlie.

  12. You have a lovely life Charlie, it's so nice visiting you and I enjoy learning about your day. Tell mommy hello from me.

  13. That sure was a wonderful day Charlie and you guys are lucky to have each other!

  14. Trust me, Charlie, there are times for a good long sleep.


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