December 14, 2023

Seeking Ice and Snow

Earlier this week, places just a little ways south of us had snow but we didn't. Skyline Drive got so much that they closed for a day or two, but they re-opened today. I drove up in search of winter scenery.

Indian Run Overlook is a reliable place to find ice flows on the rock. I’ve always found them fascinating.

From there I continued south on the Drive until I got to Route 211, where I exited to drive back home. I have a few more pictures to show you, including two at Pass Mountain Overlook. 


  1. ...none to be found here today, 50 F. ☃️ πŸŽ„ ❄️ πŸŽ…πŸΌ

  2. Beautiful scenes from the drive. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  3. Dear Linda, you brought wonderful winter pictures from your trip. I find the ice flows on the rock particularly fascinating. These are little works of art of nature. And it was nice to see you in person! (Weren't you cold without a hat and scarf?) The snow has melted away again here.
    All the best and happy Advent days,

  4. Such strange weather - we haven't had that much snow yet in the Southern Tier of New York. It's beautiful. Alana

  5. You captured some beautiful winter scenery, but be careful on those roads!

  6. Great photos of the ridge areas of our mountains. Loved how the low winter sun casts great shadows over things...the trees on snow, the mountains various folds.

  7. Great pics of the snow. You keep that white stuff, we don't need it here in Oklahoma.


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