December 27, 2023

Ducks in Spring Hollow Run

Woodstock, VA

On some maps, this creek is called Hollow Run, but I have heard it called Spring Hollow Run and that is what the US Geological Survey calls it. I find the name intriguing because there are three geographic features in the name: Spring (the source), hollow (a small valley), and run (a creek). 

I have seen mallard ducks before at this pretty spot along Church Street. 


  1. Its a nice name! And I think that if Mallards were rare, people would travel miles to see them! Hope all is well, Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Cute ducks and a pretty scene. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Mallards on a stream are as tranquil a scene as one might imagine. Were I an artist I would take up my brush immediately.

  4. A run is a term not used here in that context, though I'm familiar with it through history, ie Bull Run.

    1. The reason I defined the terms run and hollow is because they are not widely used in this context.

  5. A lovely, lovely mood in your post.

    The holidays are finally over. Now we're looking at the turn of the year. What will the new year 2024 bring us?

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

    Hugs from Heidrun, I wish you a pleasant time


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