December 16, 2023

Deer, Dogs, and Effects

Virginia White-tailed Deer

The second picture has an effect added using Picsart. Here’s another Picsart edit; it makes Charlie look like a fluffier dog.

It’s time for a conventional portrait of Charlie, and a look at some friends he made at the dog park.

In closing, I have an amusing AI picture of a beagle. I named a particular artist in the prompt.


  1. Love the deer, pretty photo. Cool artsy images. Charlie and his friends are my favorites. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. the deer black and white shot looks gorgeous

  3. The deer is amazing - especially the b/w version. And Charlie always looks great!

  4. ...ah, to have such energy.

  5. Great photos, love the artsy ones, they look fabulous.

  6. It seems like the time that many of us are seeing deer! Love your photos. Merry Christmas Charlie!

  7. A dog with existential angst, silently screaming? Great art you made there!
    best, mae at

  8. Great art and photos with and without the effect. You all look like you're having so much fun! Happy days to you! XO

  9. i am curious where this AI stuff is headed. my parents have recently met a young man in the business of that area. i can imagine it will be a nice addition but i wonder if it will be fully, i guess all areas of of technology can be good and bad .. lol!! have a great week. rainy here. glad for no sleeting, but i sure would enjoy some snow. ( ;

  10. I think Charlie likes the way he looks just fine :) Love all the photos and alterations.


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