November 10, 2023

No Campfires

Shenandoah National Park

On Tuesday I had an appointment with the foot doctor in Front Royal, and afterwards I drove into Shenandoah National Park, which is next to the town. There were signs at the entrance warning of wildfire smoke and a ban on fires. There are two wildfires burning near the park, the result of a prolonged drought. Hopefully the rain but we had today will help firefighters to get the fires under control.

By the way, photographing that electronic sign was challenging. For some reason, the phone does not record it in the way that the eye sees it. I could tell that the letters were disappearing when I looked at my screen, so I took some pictures using LIVE mode as I waited for the drivers in front of me to pay the entrance fee. When I edited the pictures, I was able to select one with the letters showing.

Someone said these clouds were smoke from the fires, but that may be an overstatement.  Certainly there was a layer of smoky haze along the horizon, but the fires are well to the south and east of this scene. I only drove the northern section of the park, exiting at Thornton Gap.

There was still plenty of beauty and plenty of tourists. 


  1. I didn’t realize there were any fires out that way. Hopefully they have been getting this rain now. It has been pouring here all day. Enjoyed the photos. I need to get up that way soon.

  2. Excellent black and white cloud photos - they glow!

  3. It’s seems really late in the year for wildfires.

  4. love the shot of the person on the car!

  5. We've also had wildfires, and hope this rain of yesterday and maybe a bit more by the end of the weekend will help them (in NC mountains). I know what you mean about capturing the blinking letters on a phone camera! Good job.


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