November 7, 2023

Near the Town of Huntly

Rappahannock County

Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday


  1. we tried to get on the Blue Ridge Parkway today ...around about Floyd area (Calloway Road) ...and it was closed??! then we got on i am thinking about route 24 (we saw a bunch of mowing folks, but i didn't think that was a reason to have the BRP closed. we were shocked to see them, there has not been much work done on the BRP lately, so much tree damage every where) and it was open??! i know they close it when it is bad weather, but this was great weather ... so warm for a fall day. we saw lots of forest fires in NC & Tennessee. such a fun time away but sad to see that folks are starting fires. so sad. so dry out there these days, we all could use some rain. i love traveling in autumn, it is my favorite. will check online. maybe i will find some reason. have a great week. ( ;

    1. I read that they closed the Parkway near Craggy Gardens last week because people were feeding the bears!

  2. That looks like a great place for a walk.
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Beautiful area with a hint of fall showing through, or maybe it’s the season drawing to a close.

  4. Oh wow! Gorgeous countryside!
    Thank you for sharing @

  5. Beautiful sky and view. Alana


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