November 23, 2023

Lynn’s Birthday on Thanksgiving

My older daughter's birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. Her sister arrived yesterday, shopped for groceries, and cooked a feast today. We had beef instead of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey because I am allergic to turkey and Lynn has never liked it.

Skywatch: Early this Morning 

Happy Birthday to Lynn!

Lynn and Marie. (Art by Judith Thompson)

Photo by Lynn. (Art by William Mann.)


  1. Happy birthday to Lynn! Beautiful sky!
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  2. ...two of our grandchildren have Thanksgiving birthdays.

  3. Great photos with you and your daughters. Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving! Beef sounds an excellent choice. That sky is a beautiful sight.

  4. As the mom, you should definitely celebrate the birthday of your daughter! After all, you did all the work! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving/birthday. Love the portraits.

  5. Happy Birthday to Lynn! It was my brother's birthday as well.

  6. Today, the Streit family moved from Tennessee to South Burlington, Vermont to improve the life of their transgender boy. You can read more by going to Thank you very much. -- Emily Shorette

  7. Nice that you got to celebrate a double holiday with both your daughters, and one of them cooked the dinner. You all look so happy! Win-win-win and pretty after sunrise sky. Alana

  8. Good that you got together. I've never been one for turkey.


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