November 30, 2023

County Line at Swift Run Gap

This sign stands next to U.S. 33 near the crest of the Blue Ridge. Skyline Drive crosses on the overpass,

On one side of the historical marker is an introduction to Rockingham County, formed in 1778 and named for the Marquis of Rockingham, British statesman. The other side of the marker is at the entrance to Greene County, "named for General Nathanael Greene, commander of the Army of the South in the Revolutionary War."

At the nearby entrance to Skyline Drive, there is still a sign warning you that fires are prohibited and to report any fires. Recent rains helped crews to get nearby fires under control, but there remains a danger of wildfires. We are in a drought, and the forests are very dry.

Here is a view from a nearby overlook on Skyline Drive.


  1. ...fires have always been part of life, but things sure have changed.

  2. I always love a visit to Skyline Drive and the park.
    Great photos. I hope there are no more fires. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  3. Several fires erupted in our nearby woods put out quickly at least. Living in the mountains with woods the predominant feature means lots of area where fires can get out of control easily. But our own county just lifted the fire ban...I'm scratching my head over that one. Due for some rain today at least.

  4. That's a gorgeous overlook. I like all the history of the area!

  5. I've been hoping the rain we've been getting recently here in the east of the state might extend to the mountains.


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