November 25, 2023

Charlie’s Thanksgiving

Charlie here. I just had my second Thanksgiving. It has something to do with Marie and Lynn coming to our house. They eat and laugh and play with me. I get some extra food.

Marie went to the state park with us. She took a picture of me with my mom.

When we were home, I heard a cat outside. I told Mom I wanted to go out, and she was a little surprised to see the cat waiting for me. Tripod came right up to me.

Yesterday we went in the car, and Marie sat next to me, so I kept my harness on for her. We went to the dog park at Bryce Resort and played ball. That was fun.


  1. Hello Charlie and Linda,
    What a fun post. Having your family come for the Thanksgiving dinner and holiday was fun too. More food and happy times for all. Love the photos of Charlie in action. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. We hope - in fact, We see - you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We love all the photos.

  3. looks like you all had a good time.

  4. Lovely photos. Looks like you really enjoyed yourself!

  5. Looks like Charlie enjoys the company.

  6. Looks like Charlie was spoiled by his guests!

  7. Hi Charlie
    You must had a great time, fussed over, and the park you to had throwing mom stick, about tired out.

  8. Some friends just adopted a pup that had many kennel experiences, and they are a bit bewildered but full of love. I'll send them your blog so they can see how Charlie has progressed!

  9. getting out for a wander is always fun, no matter where. 2 cute shots. happy Sunday. this weekend flew by. have a great week. ( ;

  10. Hello Charlie! (Looks like our beagle).

  11. Hello Charlie and Linda.:=)
    Lovely photos of you Charlie, you were always photogenic from being a pup. You look like you were really enjoying running fast after the ball, energetic exercise is good for you and your Mom knows that.
    She really takes good care of you. Thank you Linda
    for sharing your Thanksgiving photos, and I enjoyed
    every photo of you and Charlie.
    All the best

  12. Great post, I enjoyed it :)

    All the best Jan

  13. I love Charlie's running photos. He's a fast runner.


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