November 5, 2023

Blogging for Peace

There is a new blog link up on weekends called Blog for Peace. Since peace has been on my mind pretty much every day, I have experimented with creating symbols of peace using AI apps. Since I am not an artist myself, I like seeing an image that may reflect some version of my ideas.

These are images I made with StarryAI, a free app that has, shall we say, limitations. Most of these images had to be cropped because there was something distorted in them, or words that didn’t make sense.

I do have photos of artwork with peace symbols, such as the ones in the post about Frog Valley. And of course, many of my landscapes are peaceful.

I hope that you are in a peaceful place.


  1. Hello Linda! Thank you for joining us this weekend. We've been blogging for peace for a long time in the Blogosphere. I love what you did with the AI tools. I don't have that skill, but these turned out awesome! I suppose we've all been thinking on peace these days as we watch the state of the world.

    We will place your post in the Official Gallery and number it fully credited to you (if that's OK with you, just let me know) and we hope others see and are inspired by your beautiful images. What a peaceful feeling here! Peace to you and yours always, Mimi

  2. Beautiful images! Lovely to see you at BlogBlast!

  3. Beautiful images. Thanks for sharing. Peace.

  4. I especially like the dove.

    All the best Jan

  5. Peace on Earth, goodwill to men - faint hope, unfortunately.


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