November 6, 2023

Blog Post 8500

That's a lot of blog posts! I'll hold off on my usual Monday Mural post for a few minutes and show a picture of myself and talk about selfies. I usually smile for my pictures, so this one’s a little different. My smiles aren’t as bright as they used to be, and neither is my hair. That happens if you live long enough! 

I used an iPhone SE, and it has a portrait mode. Apparently it puts more light on the face and does not focus on the background. I also used the timer to give myself three seconds to raise my arm after pressing the shutter button.

 I think it helps to hold the lens slightly above eye level and then raise your chin just a little. This can get more light into the eye area and avoid the dreaded double-chin look. 

There was the time when I tried to look young and pretty, but since I’m not a movie star, I don’t have to worry about that. Thank goodness!

The background in this picture is colorful so I’ll show you another view of it. This is the same overlook that I showed in the Buck Hollow post.


  1. Young and pretty is only important when you are definitely young and yearn to be pretty. After that it’s highly overrated. Interesting and kind is much better.

  2. I rarely do selfies, but have one coming up.

  3. Congratus on 8500 posts. You are a prolific blogger.

    I loved the Iphone SE but I upgraded a couple years ago. I always go for the "deal" I experimented with android phones but are more comfortable with the iphones.


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