November 1, 2023

Birding Trail at Sweet Run

My post yesterday neglected the variety of trails at Sweet Run State Park. One of my birding friends asked about the birding opportunities there, and indeed there is a birding trail.

The sign is actually next to a chimney-style tower that was built for chimney swifts. Another sign tells about chimney swifts, which come here in the spring to nest. I did not see any, but they may have already migrated southward.

I believe these are Audubon style towers, and there are a number of them in Pennsylvania with a similar sign.

I heard birds in the nearby trees, but only saw one in the sky, which may have been a vulture.

Since I don’t have any pictures of swifts, I asked the StarryAI app to create some. Results were varied.

(LOL. Forgive my wordplay, please.)


  1. Thanks for this.I obtained the plans for those Chimney Swift Towers from the people in Texas (see, some good things do originate in Texas) and I am in discussion with a landowner to build one here.

  2. ...Chimney Swift Towers are new for me.

  3. Simple idea but invaluable to the Swift community


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