October 19, 2023

West of Woodstock Yesterday

After I took Charlie to the Fairview Dog Park, I drove west to contribute a few items to a blessing box outside a church. Their  parking lot has nice views.

The late afternoon light was looking nice, so I took it a different road home in order to check out some farm views.

This place had horses so I pulled over to take a few pictures with my cell phone. I snapped them quickly because I was blocking someone’s driveway. It wasn’t until later when I enlarged the images on my iPad that I saw I had photographed a hot air balloon in the sky.

I’ll throw in a picture of Charlie running at the park and a couple more scenes from the drive home.


  1. Beautiful views, I love the barn and silo, the horses and the cute shot of Charlie running. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Well the balloon and Charlie were both off the ground! How cool. And the horses probably were dismayed that you had no treat for them. But it's nice to see their faces.

  4. ...delightful, thanks for taking along to see the sights.

  5. Beauty everywhere! Charlie is having a good run.

  6. Charlie running off energy is a good thing.

  7. I love serendipity like your shot with the hot air balloon that you did not notice. Charlie has a look of joy on his face bounding across the grass.
    Is it only bloggers who take a different route back just because of the light? I hate out and back routes, give me a loop anytime.
    Great post.

  8. The barn with the surprise hot air balloon was my favorite but the Charlie enjoying his run was a close runner up. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  9. You live in a very pretty area. Lovely first photo with the puffy clouds and blue sky!


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