October 27, 2023

The North Fork in Monochrome and Color

The low-water bridges that cross the Shenandoah offer fine views of the river. They are sometimes closed when the river gets perilously high, so our state highway department maintains pedestrian bridges which are considerably higher above the water.

You can’t really see the handrails at a distance, but they aren’t very comforting because they are flexible and this is a suspension bridge that bounces when you walk on it.


  1. I like this autumn's picture. The nature is beautiful in your area

  2. Beautiful autumn note in the images

  3. I would walk across that bridge only if I absolutely had to.

    1. I can’t imagine doing it when the river is flooded and looks angry. I’d have visions of Indiana Jones being chased across the swinging bridge…

  4. I've been on a suspension bridge once or twice. Not bad if people don't start jumping around on it to scare you.

  5. Beautiful views of the river, I do prefer the color photos. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. All are lovely images Linda.

    All the best Jan

  7. Nice shots! It's so beautiful where you live, especially this time of year.

  8. Beautiful B&W! Don't fancy that footbridge though...


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