October 4, 2023

Roads, River, Birds

After I took Charlie to the dog park this afternoon, I decided to drive down to the river. I was surprised to find that Lupton Road has been paved! It's one of two narrow roads that go down to Seven Bends State Park, which is located along the North Fork of the Shenandoah. The rough condition of the roads has been a concern.

The afternoon light was pretty. I thought I might photograph some birds for Wild Bird Wednesday, but I didn’t get close to any.

I decided to go down the other road to the park to take a look. But first I passed a sign that appeared to have two crows standing on it. Oh, they’re decorations.

I found a bird in the park, but it was a wandering guinea fowl from a nearby home. It wandered back to its driveway as I left the park. The geese live there too. Oh, who is that coming up the driveway!

It’s the peacock and his kitty friend. It’s interesting how such different species can get along when they live together.

We live in a beautiful world. Why can’t we all get along?


  1. Aw, jeepers! Makes me want to take up fly fishing.

  2. Why can’t we all get along? That is the eternal unanswered, and apparently unanswerable, question, Linda.

  3. Pretty views of the river and park. The birds are interesting to see, a peacock and a kitty together, they are strange friends. Take care, have a great day!

  4. ...over the weekend I saw fishermen wadding in the river.

  5. That's a gorgeous drive you took us on. I love all the trees and the river and then later the birds. Funny about the cat and the peacock. Peacocks are just naturally funny.
    Yes, why can't we get along. Our federal representative, Kevin Hern, says he is in the running for Speaker of the House. He says people know that he will never compromise on MAGA GOP principles.
    It all makes me so tired.

  6. All very pretty scenes Linda. Loved the ones with the cat and peacock. I have often asked myself that same question.

    Thanks for the information on Trex. I mentioned your comment on my latest blog. Very much appreciated!

  7. The cat and peacock are unexpected.

  8. Very nice views of the river and park.

    All the best Jan


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