October 25, 2023

Ducks and a Heron

The Wild Bird Wednesday linkup features from some enjoyable bird photos, so I continue to participate even though my bird pictures are ordinary compared to many of the others. I’ve just started feeding birds for this season by putting out some suet. I hope to get some close-up shots before long. (I don’t have much luck getting close to birds in the wild, so I bribe them to come to my deck.)

In the meantime, here are some mallard ducks on a pond, followed by a heron that I just happened to spot as I crossed a bridge.


  1. Love the ducks and the heron, great photos. Take care, have a great day!

  2. ...they can get along, why can't we?

  3. Sometimes driving along, finding no cars behind oneself, we can stop and capture the beauties we see. Loved that Heron when thinking of the risk taken by the art photographer!

  4. All friends enjoying the day. Nice shot, Linda.

  5. Herons here have already gone south.


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