October 14, 2023

A Message from Charlie

Hi! I know Mom was telling you about her the trip to West Virginia but I am interrupting to tell you about a problem I had. I got upset in the car the other day. 

I took off my red collar in the car and chewed it in half. Mom asked what is wrong with you, but I could not tell her. Actually I want to get up in the front seat and drive the car. I watch her do it and it doesn’t look hard. She does not always go to the right place. Sometimes I want to go get a cheeseburger, or I want to go to the dog park. It’s very disappointing when we don’t go to someplace fun.

She got me a new harness, and it is terrible. It is stiff and heavy so I tried to chew through it. She took it off me. 

Here’s one of my friends at the dog park.

And here’s a picture of me that has special effects.

Sometimes we go out the back door and sit on the deck. There was a hummingbird feeder there and yesterday it had a lot of buzzing yellow jackets and this big hornet. Mom waited until dark and then took the feeder down. The hornet was there sleeping! She touched it with a stick, and it flew away.

I have one more critter to show you before I go to bed. We saw this sheep from the car today.

Good night!


  1. What did the sheep think of you, Charlie?

  2. Charlie, we know how you feel. We bet you could drive the car! You would definitely choose all the good spots to visit. :)

  3. Loved it! Thanks for sharing your doggy tales!

  4. Charlie you really need to stop chewing all these harnesses. You’re not a puppy any more and there will be no money left over for cheeseburgers.

  5. Hello Charlie,
    You are so cute! It is nice your are sharing your post with the hornet and the sheep. I do hope you stop chewing the harnesses, you need the harness to stay safe. Love the photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post! Take care, have a great day and happy week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. ...I never liked my collar either!

  7. Charlie, We are sure you could drive that car like a champion!
    That hornet looks really scary. OUR Mummy wouldn't have dared touch it, even with a stick!

  8. It continues to be a challenge but it's for your safety sweet Charlie! Mom knows best!

  9. Charlie, you do a good job posting a blog message.

  10. Aww a cute post from Charlie.

    Happy Sunday wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Count your lucky stars, Charlie. You do more things and see more things than some other dogs. Mommy is very patient and good with you.


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