September 25, 2023

Swimmer Mural

Waynesboro, VA

 This painting depicts a woman swimming. It’s on the opposite side of the building I showed you last week. Once again, I was not able to get the entire mural in one frame because there was a tree, plus another property made it impossible to step far enough back. The garage end of the building is also painted, but more in a graffiti style than a pictorial style.

Monday Murals


  1. Shoot it as a panorama next time. Cool mural it is.

  2. The Swimmer mural is great! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. She looks like she is taking a snooze.

  4. At first, I thought she was resting until I saw the side view. This is a remarkable mural, Linda.

  5. I thought the same at first, someone at rest.

  6. ...some murals are tough to photograph.

  7. Huge mural and the black and white theme suits it. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  8. Interesting mural, and I couldn't ever figure out her anatomy...but art is ok without explanations!

  9. A very realistic mural Just had to figure out how that hand works in with the rest

  10. I have trouble imagining how such a huge image could be transferred to a building! Nice find.
    best, mae at


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