September 14, 2023

Cloud Column and Rainbow

I have seen tall columns of clouds before, and they are associated with rain. I looked it up before writing this post, and I believe it is called Cumulonimbus. I pulled over and got a picture because there was a partial rainbow. The rainbow disappeared quickly, but the cloud persisted.

The second photo was taken 40 minutes later on a country road west of Strasburg. 



  1. ...I haven't seen a rainbow in ages.

  2. Beautiful sky, clouds and a pretty rainbow. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  3. Great capture of short lived rainbow, and strange tall cloud which continued for a long time!

  4. Two beautiful skies. A lovely partial rainbow!

  5. I haven't seen a rainbow in months, so enjoyed yours (and I'm not sure I've ever seen a column like that). The cloud in your second photo looked like a pointer - I wonder what it was trying to point out. Alana

  6. Awesome shots, I love your rainbow!!


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