September 9, 2023

Charlie’s Back to School Update

I’m kidding. I didn’t really go back to school. I haven’t been to puppy training yet. It’s a long car ride to get there, and you know how I feel about cars. They are so scary! I try to chew them up.

I do go to day boarding sometimes at the vet’s office. There are some fun ladies who play with me there. And there are cats who live there, and sometimes dogs to sniff.

Caturday / Saturday Critters

We finally got some rain. That’s a good thing because the grass was turning brown, and some afternoons were so hot we could not even go to the dog park. Sometimes Mom took me to the dog park at Bryce Mountain because it is cooler there. 

Today we went to the dog park in Woodstock. Jubal showed up with his little brother and we had a good time.

That’s enough about me. I’ll show you a couple of critters, but I don’t know much about them.


  1. hard Charlie and be kind to the other dogs.

  2. Lovely photos. I am so glad y'all got some rain. Happy WE!

  3. Hello Charlie
    You are so cute. I am glad you got some rain we finally had some here too. Love the cute Jubal, deer and butterfly. The rainbow is beautiful. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  4. So good to see/hear of what's going on in your life. Yay for rain, and we had some too last night. Keep on being just Charlie!

  5. Glad you got to have some fun with the other dogs!

  6. Lovely post! Thanks for sharing a slice of your doggy life with us.

  7. Nice to see you Charlie, It's nice to have a playmate at the playground.

  8. what fun. looks like some great friends. happy week for ya! ( ;

  9. Good that you got some rain, Charlie. No sign of it here in Israel yet, although Mummy says that the furrst two days of her vacation, it was pouring.

  10. Sweet Charlie! We are getting the rain also. Fortunately at night time. It rained like the dickens last night.

  11. Yeah, I had heard that it was extremely dry over there in the Valley.


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