August 11, 2023

Piccadilly Storefronts

Winchester, VA

Yesterday I visited Winchester to take a few pictures and do some grocery shopping. These windows are along the unit block of Piccadilly Street. I don’t know why the Celtic shop has a cowboy.

The large building that is reflected in the windows is the George Washington Hotel.


  1. ...I wouldn't expect you to be in cowboy country.

  2. That cowboy sure is a head turner!

  3. Great reflections, and a fun black and white. The cowboy is decidedly strange :)

  4. Cowboys in Virginia? There are lots of them close by in Washington, I suppose. Most of them are rustlers though.

  5. Hello,
    I like the Celtic cowboy and the second reflection photo. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  6. I like Winchester. They have a wonderful library. Enjoyed your photos very much.

  7. I like the cowboy. Would love to browse in the shop. Happy Saturday!


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