August 28, 2023

Murals on East Main Street, Luray

These murals are almost across the street from each other, except that they are on opposite sides of the railroad track.

Luray has an impressive number of murals and I have shown many of them before. I think these are fairly new. 

Main Street also has flowers so it looks very inviting in the summer.

Mosaic Monday / Murals / Blue Monday


  1. So very different, but both murals are wonderful. There is no denying what is being sold at Asian Station.

    Those flowers and flower baskets are a riot of color. Just beautiful.

  2. I like street art. Far better than graffiti which is pure vandalism. Your murals are gorgeous.

  3. We agree- these murals are fabulous for sure. Wonderful artwork!

  4. They look like dancers who have been fuelled with a little peyote.

  5. Pretty mural and the flowers are lovely. Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Love the dancing mural...which leaves the Asian Station looking quite demure in comparison.

  7. ...colorful additions to the landscape.

  8. They are both lovely, although my favourite would be the dancing mural. A pretty main street with so many flowers. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  9. Nice mural and beautifully done.

  10. Pretty murals, did one artist paint them all? Some the artists sketch outlines and paunters paint them like children's books, with the artist supervising.

  11. Which blooms are in the right picture? I don`t know the name. last week, we see this plant here!

    Happy MosaicMonday

    Thank you so much being part at

    Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun

    1. The orange blooms are on trumpet vines. The baskets hold petunias.


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