July 12, 2023

Nature Connects at Glen Burnie

Winchester, VA

There is a temporary exhibit of Lego sculptures in the gardens next to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. I’ll share a few highlights, but first, I happened to see goldfinches there. One flew away but the other paused while I hurriedly snapped a cell phone picture.

This is a sculpture of a whooping crane made of thousands of Legos. We don’t have whooping cranes in Virginia, but I am fond of them because I wrote a report on them when I was a child, and I remember being fascinated by them and concerned because they were endangered.

Children were enjoying the exhibit. They are interested in animals, and many of them play with Legos.

There was a sign for each animal explaining how many Legos were used in the sculpture and giving facts about the subject. The dodo bird was driven to extinction by humans in the late 1600’s. The other animals in the exhibit are facing challenges caused by humans.

More Details are on the Museum website.


  1. Hello,
    What a fun place, the statues are wonderful. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. The list of animals facing extinction grows by the day. Can you even begin to imagine the devastation to the flora and fauna of Ukraine?

  3. ,,,I wish that I had invented Legos.

  4. You wonder what the Goldfinch thinks of it all.

  5. Awesome statues!
    Sounds like Sean Kenney is living a wonderful life of creativity and child like adventure!

  6. Great to see children posing as seals in the first photo. I've never been a fan of lego sculptures, but the Monarch is my favorite!

  7. Great to see children posing as seals in the first photo. I've never been a fan of lego sculptures, but the Monarch is my favorite!

  8. The lego statues are amazing to see.

  9. Hi Linda, thanks for letting me know. I would love to see this exhibit. May take a ride up there tomorrow. Great photos!

  10. Amazing. I never would have guessed the whooping crane was made from Lego!


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