July 27, 2023

A Smoother Path

Seven Bends State Park

A paved earthen bridge now crosses the ditch between the parking lot and the Bass Bight Trail. This replaces a jumble of rocks that was an invitation to a twisted ankle.

Good fences: Gosia is posting again and will bring back the Good Fences linkup. 

The river water is low, but not too low for tubing.

A ramp with steps is helpful when you want to bring a canoe up a steep slope. It's also fun to explore. 


  1. ...life seems to have few smoother paths.

  2. Love the rivers views, tubing is fun on a hot day.
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  3. Oh what fun, tubing used to be a favorite (I almost said sport) indulgence of mine! So glad the bridgeway is saving folk's ankles! Give Charlie a pet for me!

  4. Beautiful skywatch photo. That looks like a pretty state park!

  5. This gave me such a peaceful feeling, just looking at the tubing and the sky. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Looks like a great place Linda.

  7. Sheesh! Hope there's some kind of mechanical help on that canoe lift.

  8. Looks like a good place to hang out. Either in the water in a tube, canoe, or kayak, or walking around on the bank. Nice sky shot!

  9. Looks a nice place, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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