July 9, 2023

A Church in East Moorefield

Walnut Grove Church of the Brethren

When I spotted this church on a hill near the East Moorefield exit, I knew it must have a good view. It did not disappoint.

The highway here is US 48/WV 55, also known as Corridor H. It goes west from Wardensville and it’s worth riding on just for the views.


  1. Beautiful view. My wife’s sister from Harrisonburg was visiting over the past few days, but she has become a whacko Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist, so I opted out of the family gathering.

  2. Lovely church and the mountain views are beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  3. It's always so great to find those views without trees in the way. Beautiful!

  4. Lovely scenes and such gorgeous skies!


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