June 28, 2023

Canada Geese Plus a Mention of Weather

After a fairly dry spring, we got some much-needed rain over the past few days.

 I’m sure the wildlife was glad to get water to drink and replenish the waterways.

Here we see some Canada geese.

Speaking of Canada, they sent us more than just geese. The smoke from the wildfires has reached us again. Looking outside, I see a pinkish haze. We are fortunate, though, because Virginia is a long way from those fires so we are getting less smoke than many places. If I knew how to send rain to Canada, I would be glad to do so. 

Meanwhile, Texas and Oklahoma are seeing very high temperatures. I hope they get some relief soon.


  1. The news is full of smoke and heat waves. So I wonder if there's a connection to climate change.

    1. Cause or effect? likely both, and it’s a vicious cycle.

  2. Sorry to be exporting smoke to you. We'd be very happy to have that end very soon. I cancelled a birding outing this morning due to poor air quality.

  3. The haze is bad here again. It comes and goes.


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