May 8, 2023

Container Gardening

Winchester, VA

When you see these on the parking lot on South Loudoun Street, you may want to stop and stare. Two big containers have colorful murals painted on all sides. What are these?

These are actually home to hydroponic gardens. Plants are grown in water, especially greens like lettuce. That’s why the murals have a garden theme.

You can read details on the Fox Urban Farms site.


  1. Great idea to use the containers to grow plants. Great murals too. Love the big butterfly:) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda

  2. Hydroponic plants seem to be a bit of a fad right now.

  3. ...container gardening, I was thinking of something different.

  4. I wonder if restaurants serve veggies grown hydroponically. I wonder if I've eaten them unknowingly! I would love to taste the same kinds of plants compared to those grown in soil.

  5. What a great use for a container.

  6. That's really lovely!! We areso much more creative than when I was young. I love it! #MondayMural

  7. I think a lot of the lettuce and other salad greens that I buy is grown hydroponically -- it's sold with the roots still on the head of lettuce. I don't know anything about the growers. Maybe they are like your photos.
    best, mae at


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