April 15, 2023

Charlie’s Mid-April Update

Hi, it's me again. Don't worry, I am a friendly dog.

Do you like my new vest? It is more comfortable than the tactical harnesses that I tried. I was able to chew through their straps and Mom threw them away.

Marie came to see me this morning. She brought me a creamy treat in a cup. Yum! She took me for a walk and later went with us to the  dog park. There was a little girl who scared me a little by yelling “Puppy puppy!” She was friendly but loud.

Lynn came this afternoon. It’s a little confusing because they say they are sisters but they call my mom their mom. Does that mean they are my sisters? They don’t look like me at all.

Birds visit our yard. So far I have not gotten close enough to smell them. 

My kitty friend came back. We didn’t see it for several days and then it just appeared on the deck. I hope it will let me get close to it again. It only has three legs, so it walks differently than I do.


  1. Hello Charlie you look cute in your new vest. Nice photo of your human sisters. It is nice Marie brought you a treat and took you for a walk. The visiting kitty is a cutie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week.

  2. Make sure that you are kind to the three-legged cat, Charlie, and maybe you can become good friends.

  3. How handsome and chic you look in your new vest, Charlie!
    Yes, those humans are your unfur sisters, by Our reckoning.
    What a lot of fun you must be having, with so many new things to discover effurry day!

  4. I like that big kitty! And I hope you learn from all of these people that are helping you. I know it's hard but you can do it!

  5. Good to see your new vest, sweet Charlie. And people-sisters are also neat. Cats are pretty unpredictable...you'll learn that word as you get to know them.

  6. I think the kitty is curious about you.

  7. Hi Charlie, I like your new vest!

  8. Dear Charlie, I would never have doubted that you are a friendly dog! You look chic in your new vest. I think the two ladies are your adoptive sisters, so they don't look like you, that's okay. I don't think the birds will let you get close enough to smell them. You might have better chances with the pretty three-legged cat, but that's not a sure thing. You will need patience.
    You and your mom have a wonderful new week! 🌷☘️🌷
    All the best, Traude 😘

  9. That poor kitty. I hope he has a home somewhere.

  10. Aww Charlie you look lovely in your new vest :)

    All the best Jan

  11. Yes, the vest suits you Charlie. Cute cats!

  12. Nice vest, Charlie, it looks good on you. It's nice to have a new friend that visits once in a while.


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