April 3, 2023

BrewHaha in Elkton


These murals surprised me as I was driving between Harrisonburg and Elkton. At first I thought they were on a car wash, but it turned out to be a brewery. The garage must be an annex, with the retail store in a former house closer to Route 33.


  1. Hello,
    The murals are beautiful. I am sure the brewery is a popular place. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Bad beer is a crime! And I think it may be worse than no beer! Hope all is well. Cheers Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. And inquiring minds wonder if the boards in the rack are skate boards or snow boards...not having much experience on either! But that would be quite a young clientelle for drinking beer, I'm thinking...

  4. Those garage doors look great with the "beachy"murals. Sorry I've had trouble commenting on your murals the last 4 weeks, but it must be due to different settings some bloggers have, as it kept telling me to log in with google, and I was already logged in as I could comment on other blogs.
    I've just arrived back home, so all normal again :)
    Thanks for your patience and thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  5. So many fine craft breweries in the Valley.


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