March 16, 2023

Skies of March

It's a month of changing weather. But March does not bring a steady progression from cold to spring weather. Instead, we get warm days, followed by cold days, and then a medium day with a freezing night with high winds… 

In the second picture, we see a tree with flower buds and a frosting of snow. That was Sunday night when I was walking the dog. He does not follow a logical schedule any more than the weather does.


  1. We had an abrupt change today in weather couple of days ago with high humidity over city. The first pictures pretty!

  2. March is a month of hope it seems to me. Yesterday it got all the way up to nine degrees here, the snow is melting rapidly, and soon bright crocuses will dot the gardens on my street, and that display of colour will signal that spring has arrived.

  3. Beautiful sky. We have a few freezing nights coming up soon. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  4. Beautiful views and yay, spring! or at least right round the corner. The blossoms are telling us how it is :)

  5. Unpredictable is the word that comes to mind when I think about the weather this time of year. Beautiful sky in the first photo!

  6. March is just miserable!! Warm, cold, dry, wet, rain, snow with a layer of allergens on top!!

  7. March is very wet here in California. But we welcome all the rain, despite all the potential flooding.

    Worth a Thousand Words


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