November 23, 2022

Turkey Day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the US. Many people serve turkey, one of the traditional Thanksgiving foods. Thousands of domestic turkeys are raised here in the Shenandoah Valley, but we also see wild turkeys fairly often. I haven't done well at getting photos of them because they seem to be moving all the time.

Taxidermy turkeys are easier to photograph because they hold still. Here we see one in a nature center and a wall-mounted one that was in a house that we bought years ago. I thought it was unappetizing so we wound up giving it away to Gail at Deauville Farm. Children who visited her farm market enjoyed seeing it.

I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow!



  1. Nice, Linda, Turkey for a "T" word. I have never seen a wild turkey even though I grew up on a Nebraska farm. Thank for showing this one, I had no idea the turkey would be blue in color.
    p.s. we were out of pocket for a bit and I only had my smart phone with me. It isn't allowing me to comment here.

  2. Gobble Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Take care, enjoy your day!

  3.'s turkeys are a far cry from those of the past.

  4. Wild Turkeys are common around here. Magnificent birds.

  5. They sometimes will be wanting to cross our various mountain roads...such funny looking birds!

  6. I think mounted birds, deer, and other critters are king of a 1960's thing. You don't see too much of that any longer.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!!


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