November 3, 2022

Because it’s Autumn …

The trees are colorful! Weather in Virginia has been mild, drawing me outdoors to admire the scenery.

The Valley Pike with a Skywatch Sky.

These scenes are in the northern Shenandoah Valley: New Market, Edinburg, Woodstock, Strasburg, and Winchester.


  1. ...enjoy this beauty while you can.

  2. Mild weather here in Illinois too which is odd. We usually have colder weather and snow. 75 degrees today. Yes, enjoy the beauty around you. It is so pretty.

  3. This is truly a wonderful Autumn portfolio

  4. I like the open road on the first one. Great scene.

  5. The colours have just about finished here and the leaves are carpeting the ground. I am already dreaming of next year.

  6. You certainly do live in a gorgeous area. I ,also, live in the city at the base of the Shenandoah.. but we are so closed in by mountains we lose a bit of the vista you enjoy! I love this road. .. it reminds me of route 29 ... the undulating hills~visiting from Skywatch!

  7. Beautiful color! You are just a handful of days behind us in the Southern Tier of New York. We won't have many leaves left after the weekend. I especially enjoyed the rolling road in the first picture. Alana

  8. That's a lovely part of the world you live in Linda. I fancy hitting that switchback road in a fast car.

  9. I love your fall colors. Lovely photo of the highway without a single car!


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