October 16, 2022

Sunday Updates

1. There is now a now a LOVE sign in Rockland next to the old church.

2. Marie left this morning for California because she has to work tomorrow. It was good to see her.

3. Autumn colors are working their way south. The ginkgo trees at Blandy are starting to turn gold. 


  1. The love sign is always good to see.

  2. ...gingkos are a favorite of mine.

  3. The Love sign is great! The trees are looking lovely. I hope Marie has a safe trip! Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  4. Gingkos here are falling fast now.

  5. Our small gingko tree is full of golden leaves. I love them.

  6. I would love to discuss something with the owner of the blogger site, please.

  7. We can all do with more Love in our lives!


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