October 20, 2022

Signs and Pumpkin People

Sometimes I drive past this animal hospital just to see what their sign says.

Yesterday I took Charlie to a different veterinarian, one that I have used before. The vet found that he was in good health. She does not want to give him medication for his separation anxiety at this time, but gave me a list of trainers.

Here we see Charlie chewing on the net divider that I thought would help keep him in the backseat. I'm going to have to remove it. He has a chew-proof doggy seatbelt now that should continue to hold him safely in his place, I hope. I have not been able to leave him alone in the house because I’m afraid he will get hurt or destroy something important.

Meanwhile, folks are decorating for Halloween. The town of Woodstock has a competition going for pumpkin head figures so I’ll show you some that I have seen so far.


  1. Hello,
    Great signs. I hope Charlie stops his chewing soon.
    The Halloween decorations are cute. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  2. You are pretty much captive to Charlie these days.

  3. ...I'm in favor of poop free lobbies.

  4. Training should help, but a lot of this should also fade with time.

  5. I like seeing these Halloween competitions. Smiled at the poop free lobby sign. Hoping you can find a trainer that can help Charlie. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. there are so many humorous folks out there. that is 2 much. love it!! what great times. i prefer the funny over the scary of the Halloween season. i know others would disagree ...but i will stay a wimp over here laughing. enjoy your week. ( :


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