August 12, 2022

Strasburg in my Mirror

Seen from a Parking Space

Today was a nice day in Strasburg. I don't advise going there tomorrow unless you are browsing the Yard Crawl. People will be selling stuff in booths uo and down the Valley Pike in Shenandoah County. Traffic will be slow.


  1. ...I need to take some mirror shots, your is fabulous.

  2. There's a garage scale weekend here in May in one of our neighborhoods. Trying to walk through takes twice as long. Driving through is pointless.

  3. Excellent photo! I love this :)

  4. The view from the side mirror is fantastic.

  5. Great photos, I like the town sign. Have a happy weekend.

  6. Safe to say I will not be in Strasburg to enjoy the festivities!

  7. Glad you reminded me of the traffic. I was just thinking . . . Nah! :-)

  8. Great mirror shot :)

    All the best Jan


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