July 21, 2022

Seek Solace Amid Disquiet

So much of the news is worrisome. Disasters from climate change, wars, human cruelty, and the fascinating but disturbing hearings on Trump supporters’ attack on the Capitol last year… these are upsetting. 
Well, as individuals we do small things to try to make our world a better place.  Often I feel sadly inadequate. When I join with others to try to do things as a group, I feel a little more hopeful.

One thing I do on this blog is to show how beautiful are my own surroundings.  Various sages have said that we only protect what we love. I hope my pictures help viewers find more things to love in nature.

View from Trout Run Road

 “Nature brings solace in all troubles.” ~ Anne Frank


  1. There are many small steps everyone can take to protect nature but few seem willing to do so. It is astounding to me that parents and grandparents seem to have a total lack of concern for those growing up in the polluted and degraded world we have bequeathed to them.

  2. Beautiful view and quote. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

  3. A beautiful view, and some of the same thoughts I have. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  4. I am so thankful to live surrounded by the natural beauty of trees, flowers, birds, etc. etc. etc.

  5. Thanks for the reminder...I'm sure loving living close to mountains, many trees, many natural settings!

  6. Beautiful view and sky. I saw another blogger post something about being a beautiful world we live in right now... as long as you avoid the news! Sad but true.

  7. That's what I love about reading blogs. There are always lovely photos to make me smile and forget the bad news in the world. Thank you.

  8. A beautiful photo and a very profound quote. Someone once asked me more than once when they found I would no longer be buying plastic straw and buying reusable bags instead of the usual plastic ones, what can one person do to stop this from happening, it's hopeless. I said that like a snowball rolling down hill, it only takes a little push from one person to start that snowball rolling. I might not be able to do much, but reading blogs such as yours keeps me going. I will still do my small part.

  9. Very true what you said. Your nature photos are always gorgeous.

  10. Very stressful times we are in these days, I'm thankful that we are part of the gentle corner of the interwebs where politics don't venture, too often.


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