July 19, 2022

Sabers and Surprise

“Colonel William H. Payne and his Confederate Cavalry at the Battle of Cedar Creek.”

I hadn't been to a "History at Sunset" program since before the pandemic so I was pleased to see one was offered that I had not done before. This one followed the Confederate Cavalry and I was excited to go because I attended the program following the Custer's Union Cavalry there some years ago.

The tour did not disappoint. As usual, Ranger Rick was knowledgeable and interesting. Cedar Creek Battlefield is a National Historical Park in the pretty countryside around Middletown.


  1. ...did the war ever end?

  2. It's great to keep on learning, but I think the lesson has yet to be learned by many.

  3. Looks like an interesting tour, pretty views. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. How great to learn about a battle, if that's what you want to know. I love that the fields no longer have any blood on them.

  5. You live in such an historic part of the country -- thankful for knowledgeable park rangers and I can imagine how yours makes history come to life.

  6. I wonder what the Rebs and Yanks of long ago would think of their exploits as a history lesson.

  7. How nice that you were able to go on another "History at Sunset" tour! Ranger Rick sounds like he really knows his stuff. :)

  8. These programs are great, and the countryside is always beautiful.


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