June 1, 2022

The Theme is The Road

Blog Post #7950

The June theme for City Daily Photo is "The Road." Just thinking about it makes me want to get in the car and drive somewhere interesting.

This post is number 7,950. I started blogging in mid June, 2005. That is 17 years ago! I began posting web pages seven years before that, so I guess I’m an old timer on the internet. 


  1. ...you found all kinds of roads.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I often see roads I would like to go down, but I just don't have time. And with gas prices rising, I don't have the gas to go there either! But I do like to explore new (to me) roads.
    I have been blogging ten years, but your total is amazing!

  4. Loved seeing your smiling face with camera...a good surprise!

  5. Well done on 7950 blog posts.

    All the best Jan

  6. That first shot reminds me of country roads I have known

  7. I'm so happy to have known you for a lot of those years! I always enjoy your posts and learning more about where you live! Happy blogging!

  8. You must be among the original bloggers! Well done.

  9. I am reminded of country roads here.


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