June 9, 2022

Along the Cacapon

Post Office, Capon Bridge

The town of Capon Bridge is along Route 50 between the state line and Romney. I took a ride through there today after an appointment in Winchester.

I have avoided driving a particular section of Route 50 since an accident there in 2010, so I took Route 259 to Wardensville. I stopped by the Cacapon River to take some pictures and then drove back to Virginia on Route 55. 


  1. Your last photograph made me smile. What a find!

  2. You really do live in a beautiful part of the world.

  3. ...Linda, you captured a lot of beauty!

  4. Enjoyed all your photos Linda, thank you. Have a great weekend.

  5. A lot of beauty, especially the reflections in the water and the food truck. I also visited your blog post on the accident. I have my own crash story and we had a good experience also, as far as the kindness of people who stopped or helped in other ways. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. That river looks very placid at that area. I wonder what the biker church is like...and that van with flowers all over it looks interesting, I wonder if someone was camping in it.

  7. Hey a biker church!! Do you have any cowboy churches?

  8. The bridge scene is my favorite today!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  9. You chose a beautiful day to be out exploring. Pretty sky and reflections off the water!

  10. I do like the reflections in some of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. That bridge shot is my favourite.


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