April 7, 2022

Signs and Riverside Park

Elkton, VA

Signs 2
See how this wall looked before the sign was painted.

Last week I drove through Elkton and decided to look for a park on the river which I had seen listed somewhere. I had forgotten what it was called but I knew where the river is, so I drove around and found it. The name is simply Riverside Park and it is on M Street.

The river is the South Fork of the Shenandoah. In the summer we'd probably see people picnicking and canoeing here, but the weather is still cool so I only saw one family walking around. A boy was throwing pebbles in the water.

After they left, I posed on a swing.


  1. That looks like a beautiful little park! Signs like the 7up one on old buildings are very nostalgic, it is cool seeing them.

  2. Sweet portrait!! Lovin' the distant bridge scene too!

  3. Looks like a spot worthy of revisiting.

  4. Beautiful place to chill out!

  5. I enjoy seeing ghost signs. The river was so blue - inviting, if it was warmer. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Local bonito, amo um balanço!

  7. I liked the ghost sign best before the new addition. But I'm glad that at least they didn't paint of the top of it.... Cute little park, and I can't resist trying out a swing if I'm ever lucky enough to find an unused one (preferably with no audience around because I don't look as cute as you do on one!)

  8. ...I love the ghost sign, but someone must have thought that the new 7up sign would "fresh up" things!

  9. I like the picture of you on the swing.

    All the best Jan


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