April 1, 2022

Faces and Flowers

It's April 1st and I don't have a practical joke for you, but it is theme day at City Daily Photo. The theme is Symmetry. I had some things to donate today at the hospice thrift store and I decided to walk through looking for symmetry. I found a mask and a child’s backpack. Which one do you like?

Since we’re looking at faces, here’s an old selfie from an assignment I did back when I was taking an advanced darkroom class. 
Black and White Weekend

Let's have another look at Lucy, who got officially adopted by Lynn today. For the last few weeks, Lynn had her on a foster-to-adopt basis. I made them a congratulatory collage.

When I was in the thrift shop today, I saw a sunflower reflected in a mirror and snapped a picture for the Weekend Reflections linkup.

And speaking of flowers, tulips are starting to bloom. 

Friday Bliss / Garden Affair Floral Friday


  1. I love your selfie! So great that the tulips are starting to bloom!

  2. Love the selfie! Beautiful tulips, and Lucy is such a beauty - just look at that adorable face!

  3. I think you should write a creative caption for your self-portrait in black-and-white.

  4. ...a colorful collection.

  5. That was a nice selfie. Tulips are beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  6. What a nice collection...my favorite was Lucy, who reminds me of Persephone, a grand-dog of mine (belongs to grandchildren) who has mixed parentage but a face much like Lucy!

  7. The tulips are a delight.

    Vader would be my choice!

  8. Nice post and an excellent selfie!

    Thanks for reminding me of thrift stores. I got almost all of my clothes at thrift stores when I was in high school. I used to love them!

  9. Tulip blooms are lovely, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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