March 21, 2022

Spring Flowers and a Red Dress Mural

We have more than daffodils blooming now. Forsythia is flowing down slopes in yellow blossoms.  I've also seen crocus, snowdrops, and even flowering trees.

Mosaic Monday
Monday Murals: This predominately red mural is in Cardinal Forest Plaza, Fairfax County. No doubt the red feathers and garment represent the northern cardinal, a theme also seen in another mural around the corner in the same shopping center. 



  1. Love daffodils! That mural is stunning!

  2. An interesting mural...using more space than subject!

  3. Nice mural, love the feathers at the end of the dress. Spring has arrived :)

  4. oooooh how pretty!! the daffodil, gorgeous!!

  5. Seeing the woman was a surprise. :-)

  6. Such as cheerful post! I absolutely love the daffodils and forsythia and thank you for the taste of "real" Spring flowers (as opposed to the ones we have here in florida, pretty and bright but not *real* early Spring! .. and I like both murals, interesting especially for the name of the Center where they are.

  7. Linda - very creative how the dress flows into feathers. I am jealous that you have so many flowers blooming already. Forsythia brings back so many memories of my childhood! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  8. Looks like spring has arrived in yoour world, Linda. We were knee deep in snow a few days ago, and now it's rain. That is a stunning mural. Very different with multiple meanings, I'm sure. Lovely find, Linda.

  9. Spring in your area was MUCH further advanced than back here in Michigan! Your images of murals are really neat.

    best...mae at


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