March 11, 2022

It looks like Spring but it’s not.

We've enjoyed several warm days lately and today was sunny. I sat outside without a coat for a while. 

Yet a snowstorm is expected early tomorrow morning! Some folks call this "pneumonia weather" because it stresses out the body, potentially weakening its defenses.

Garden Post #740: After the rain stopped the other day, I took some pictures of crocuses and daffodils with raindrops still clinging to them.

Floral Friday / Garden Affair / Friday Bliss

Here's a different kind of after-rain picture, one with a reflection in a puddle. 


  1. I have never heard of the saying ’pneumonia weather’. Allthough in the spring people catch a cold unpredicted. Wishing a pleasant weekend.

  2.'s snowing here this morning.

  3. Pretty flowers!
    A mild (65F) sunny day here in North Mississippi yesterday. Temperatures fell all afternoon, and SNOW came in the night. 28F this morning.

  4. We've had snow off and on for the last eighteen hours.

  5. Very pretty flowers. I like the puddle reflection, it's nice.

  6. Nice composition in the reflection photo!

  7. Pretty Daffodils and Crocus, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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