March 9, 2022

Birds Far and Near

Wild Bird Wednesday

Do you see the cardinal in the tree? His bright color makes him stand out.

The white throated sparrow could blend in from a distance. I zoomed in for this picture. 

Today's final picture shows a male house finch. He's eating a seed. 


  1. that Rosemary in the foreground of #1?

    1. Yes! It was on a cart outside the hardware store.

  2. Great captures of the birds. I found the Cardinal.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Lovely neighbours, and they never come bearing guns!

  4. We see those finches here occasionally.

  5. A lovely selection of "yardbirds" and you are lucky to have them. :(I miss my feeders.)

  6. These small birds are such a joy to watch! Enjoy your week!


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