February 2, 2022

Three Lone Birds

Bird Post #1000:
Goose, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren.

Wordless / Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Beautiful birds and great photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. ...they posed nicely for you.

  3. I'm so bleary minded I looked for a mouse for the tufted titmouse! Of course it's a bird! Duh! But what would a mouse look like with that name, I wonder...

  4. The tufted titmouse looks like the one at our house. Is the last one a wren?

  5. Hello Linda,:=) All beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing the Goose, Tufted Titmouse, and Carolina Wren, they are birds I never see here.

  6. Great photos!
    I especially like the Wren

  7. The goose looks magnificent, solitary amidst the icy surroundings. And the titmouse and wren are also lovely.


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