February 14, 2022

Reminiscent of Mondrian

These primary-color murals are in Winchester, Virginia. 

Monday Murals

Today is Valentines Day so it seems like some red-themed collages are appropriate.

That's the extent of my celebration of the day. Most relationships end in heartache one way or another. 
Mosaic Monday.


  1. The primary colour murals do remind me of Mondrian for sure. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.
    The birds collage is very sweet :)

  2. ...it looks like you had a colorful day!

  3. Hello Linda, :=) Your snow pictures of birds and berries are lovely.

  4. The birds don't concern themselves with artificial events like Valentine's Day. Hormonal response is quite enough for them.

  5. Great snowy mosaic!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Those bird pictures are absolutely stunning!

  7. I liked seeing Mondrian as added to that doorway plus an apple!

  8. Everything looks colourful.
    I especially like the birds mosaic/collage.

    All the best Jan

  9. Linda - I love your final collage. Gorgeous birds, so puffed up for the winter! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!


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