February 7, 2022

Around Woodstock on a Monday

Blog Post #7828

The first thing I had to do today was get a tired replaced at Hepner's on Hoover Road.

I decided to drive around a little bit before heading home. This popular restaurant looked like it might have a mural to share with Monday Murals and sure enough, there was one in the lobby.

I also drove down Hollingsworth Road and took some photos at the park for the Friends of Seven Bends State Park on Facebook. Recently I volunteered to be an "Admin" on the page and I wanted to test my authorization to make posts there. It worked, and people "liked" the pictures.

There were things to do at home and I worked on a few of them. Also I texted back and forth with Lynn and accidentally found a way to distort photos on Messenger, but I don't know if I could do it again. 

  Collage: Car Window and Antenna Flower, Distorted Selfie, Mail Truck.


  1. Great new mural discovery Linda.
    That's funny with the photo distortion on messenger, never heard of it.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  2. Pretty mural, I like the views of the park. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. I wonder if people actively hunted for murals before Sami's blog?

    1. Another blogger hosted Monday Murals before Sami. Seems like it was in San Diego but I may be wrong.

    2. Oh, it was Oakland Daily Photo!

  4. ...I like the Seven Bends State Park sign!

  5. Pretty mural at the restaurant. Nice park with a great sign.

  6. I've not heard of photo distortion on messenger.

  7. I enjoyed seeing all of these, and especially a new mural!

  8. I like the way you operate! Drive around, stop for a photo op or two on the way to doing something else... that is the way to live and all of us are the beneficiaries -- thank you!! (And neat that you v olunteered to be the FB adm for that beautiful park.


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